Updated - Romania Representatives - European Parliament 2024 - 2029 A comprehensive overview by Grayling Romania September 2024

Update: Following Ursula von der Leyen’s nomination of Roxana Minzatu for the position Executive Vice-President for People, Skills and Preparedness, this report has been updated to include a description of her new portfolio. This report provides a detailed overview of Romanian MEPs’ policy priorities, positions within the European Parliament, and the crucial role of their assistants. We highlighted the primary policy areas of interest for them, including specific initiatives and legislation they support, showcasing their commitment to addressing both national and European issues.

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Fiscal Bulletin - New fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability

Law no. 296/2023 on some fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability was published in the Official Gazette no. 977/27.10.2023. Relevant highlights: Tax measures: • Minimum turnover tax; • Additional tax for credit institutions; • Additional tax for companies operating in the oil and gas sectors; • Microenterprise tax; • Income tax; • Social security contributions; • Special tax on immovable and movable property of high value; • VAT; • Excise duties. Measures to strengthen financial and fiscal discipline: • General implementation of RO e-Invoice system • Implementation of RO e-Seal system. Measures to ensure tax compliance: • Measures to prevent and combat illegal economic activities; • Strengthening financial discipline and combating tax evasion; • Elimination of the possibility to pay half of the minimum fine. To read more, please download the .pdf attached.

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Regulatory Radar


Noutati economie digitala - Daily Digest 21.10.2024

Initiatori:  ADR, INS, Eurostat, European Commission, EUROPEAN DATA PROTECTION SUPERVISOR


Noutati sanatate - Daily Digest - 21.10.2024

Stadiu: -
Initiatori:  ANMDMR, INSP, Jurnalul Oficial al UE


Noutati privind sanctiunile adoptate de Uniunea Europeana - 21.10.2024

Stadiu: -
Initiatori:  -


Propunere legislativă pentru completarea Legii nr.95 din 14 aprilie 2006 privind reforma în domeniul sănătății, B408/2024, L512/2024

Stadiu: respins in plenul Senatului, 21 octombrie 2024
Initiatori:  Emanuel Ungureanu - USR; Cristina Pruna - USR; Adrian Wiener - USR


Propunere legislativă Lege pentru completarea Legii nr.53/2003 privind Codul Muncii, B412/2024, L515/2024

Stadiu: respins in plenul Senatului, 21 octombrie 2024
Initiatori:  Alin Gabriel Apostol, USR


Proiect de lege LEGEA TINERETULUI - PL-x 716/2018, L443/2018 (reexaminare)

Stadiu: adoptat in plenul Senatului, 21 octombrie 2024
Initiatori:  Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului


Proiect de Lege pentru aprobarea OUG 117/2024 pentru modificarea și completarea Legii farmaciei nr. 266/2008, B500/2024, L503/2024

Stadiu: adoptat in plenul Senatului, 21 octombrie 2024
Initiatori:  MS

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