Europe has voted – What lies ahead

From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024, EU citizens across 27 member countries went to the polls to elect their representatives at the European Parliament for the next five years. The election is one of the largest in the world and will determine the political direction of the European Union. An expected swing to the right has been largely confirmed but the ruling centrist coalition that brought Commission President von der Leyen to power retains its majority. This initial report provides an analysis of the results and aims to shed light on how they will affect EU policies.

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Fiscal Bulletin - New fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability

Law no. 296/2023 on some fiscal and budgetary measures to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability was published in the Official Gazette no. 977/27.10.2023. Relevant highlights: Tax measures: • Minimum turnover tax; • Additional tax for credit institutions; • Additional tax for companies operating in the oil and gas sectors; • Microenterprise tax; • Income tax; • Social security contributions; • Special tax on immovable and movable property of high value; • VAT; • Excise duties. Measures to strengthen financial and fiscal discipline: • General implementation of RO e-Invoice system • Implementation of RO e-Seal system. Measures to ensure tax compliance: • Measures to prevent and combat illegal economic activities; • Strengthening financial discipline and combating tax evasion; • Elimination of the possibility to pay half of the minimum fine. To read more, please download the .pdf attached.

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Regulatory Radar


Noutati privind sanctiunile adoptate de Uniunea Europeana - 26.07.2024

Stadiu: -
Initiatori:  European Council, EU's Official Journal


Noutati economie digitala - Daily Digest 26.07.2024

Initiatori:  Consiliul Concurentei, EUROSTAT, ANOFM


Noutati sanatate - Daily Digest - 26.07.2024

Stadiu: -
Initiatori:  ANMDM, Comisia


Proiect HG privind metodologia de elaborare a regulilor de acces, a modului de aplicare a tarifelor, precum și a excepțiilor aferente zonelor cu nivel scăzut de emisii

Stadiu: publicat in consultare publica 10 zile, 26 iulie 2024
Initiatori:  MDLPA


Proiect Ordin privind modificarea Anexei nr. 1 la Ordinul MS 2.408/2023 pentru aprobarea preţurilor maximale ale medicamentelor de uz uman, valabile în România, care pot fi utilizate/comercializate

Stadiu: publicat in consultare publica, 26 iulie 2024
Initiatori:  MS

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