
Padigest Insights

Europe has voted – What lies ahead

From the 6th to the 9th of June 2024, EU citizens across 27 member countries went to the polls to elect their representatives at the European Parliament for the next five years. The election is one of the largest in the world and will determine the political direction of the European Union. An expected swing to the right has been largely confirmed but the ruling centrist coalition that brought Commission President von der Leyen to power retains its majority. This initial report provides an analysis of the results and aims to shed light on how they will affect EU policies.Read More →

Grayling CEE Outlook Report 2024

CEE AT A GLANCE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The political scene in CEE is buzzing with likelihood of change and anticipation of future elections. Political elites and business from CEE are closely monitoring the European and US elections, which will have a significant impact on the political and economic landscape within the region. To provide more light on the matter, our expert teams have prepared the Grayling 2024 Outlook for CEE Report, summarising the key events in 2023 and forecasting the possible changes in 2024, and the years to come.Read More →

No honeymoon for the Cabinet of Social Democrat Marcel Ciolacu

It was supposed to be an impressive hit-the-ground-running start of the term for the Cabinet of Social Democrat Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. In his very first days in office, in June, PSD’s Ciolacu summoned retailers to agree to lower prices for basic products - and thus tackle inflation; and boarded a line flight to meet his political friend, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, a Social Democrat himself. But before reaping the benefits on his quick wins, the political heatwave hit.Read More →